Investment Planning

Good investment planning can turn your goals from dreams into realities. This planning involves more than trying to pick the "right" investments. How you allocate your money among different types of investments can have a greater effect on investment success than the individual investments you choose. So, your first step in investing toward your goals is to work out an asset allocation for your investments.

Investment in Malaysia

The transformation of the Malaysia's economy from one based on primary commodities like tin, rubber and palm oil to a dynamic and vibrant industrializing nation is attributed to a variety of pull factors. Malaysia's political and economic stability, prudent and pragmatic investor friendly business policies, cost-productive workforce, a developed infrastructure comparable to that of any western country and a host of other amenities makes this country an enticing place for investors.

Multinational corporations from more than 40 countries have invested in over 5,000 companies in Malaysia 's manufacturing and related services sectors, encouraged by the country's pro-business environment. Malaysia today is one of the world's top locations for offshore manufacturing and service-based operations. Many of the existing foreign companies have also continued to show their confidence in the country's potentials as an investment location through their numerous expansions and diversification over the years, particularly in high technology projects.

Bursa Malaysia

Bursa Malaysia is an exchange holding company approved under Section 15 of the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007. It operates a fully-integrated exchange, offering the complete range of exchange-related services including trading, clearing, settlement and depository services. The wholly-owned subsidiaries of Bursa Malaysia own and operate the various businesses.

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