I am an engineering student from a Public University in Serdang, Selangor. Not long ago (2-3 months) having the incident of an engineering faculty lecturer raped a 26-years old from Bdr. Tasik Selatan which is a student of his.

The incident is so as the lecturer threatened her if she tells anyone about the rape, he would expel her and fail her in her final year course causing her to unable to graduate. This rape initialize as the student intend to pass up her final assignment and telling the lecturer as this will be their last meeting and she even thank him for his help and guidance. Then he immediately locked the door and hugged and kissed the student who tried to push him off but futile. After that he grabbed a sleeping bag from his cupboard and pushed her down onto the floor.

The victim claimed that the lecturer offered to make her his third wife. But she refused despite his persistence. She was molested and raped on two other occasions.

I dunno how true is this incident happen to be but I recover that this is from Biological and Agriculture Engineering course.

Just for an advice for girls as please be careful in your study place and be aware when meeting lecturer in situation like this.

The news can be obtained at:


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