Terminator Salvation

Terminator Salvation, the 1st sequel of the next terminator trilogy, means that there will still be terminator 5th and 6th installment in future. The movie initialize at the year 2018, years after the Judgment Day as human race almost extinguish by the weapon they build. Christen Bale as John Connor as the leader of the human resistance against Skynet and Terminator army. However, the future are altered as the appearance of Marcus Wright (Sam Worthington). Marcus Wright supposed to be sentenced to death with the murder of his own brother and 2 cops, however, a scientist named Dr. Serena Kogen proposed that instead of sending him to hell, his flesh and blood donated for an experiment as a result could cure cancer, but the result is that him becoming a future robot which is a cyborg. Since he has lost his memory, he is on the journey on researching for his past and meeting Kyle Reese (John Connor's father) and a small girl named Star.

John returns to the Resistance headquarters on board a nuclear submarine and tells General Ashdown of his discovery. The Resistance has discovered a radio frequency capable of shutting down Skynet machines. They plan to launch an offensive against the Skynet base in San Francisco in four days, in response to an intercepted "kill list" indicating that Skynet plans to kill the Resistance's command staff in four days' time. John learns that his own name is second on the list, following Kyle Reese. The Resistance leaders are unaware of Kyle's importance to Skynet, but John knows that it is because Kyle will later become his father. John meets with his officer Barnes and wife Kate (Bryce Dallas Howard) and sends radio broadcasts to Resistance members and surviving civilians around the world.

John Connor with the help of Marcus Wright intrude into the center of Skynet and wanted to save the prisoners including Kyle Reese in the cell. As John Connor in the cell saving those prisoners, John Connor encountered Arnold Schwarzenegger as the terminator of T-800 model 101 Terminator. Marcus discovers that he was created by Skynet and has unwittingly fulfilled his programmed mission to lure John into the base to be killed. He tears out the hardware linking him to Skynet and leaves to assist John in battling the T-800 Model 101 Terminator. John is mortally wounded during the fight, but succeeds in destroying the Skynet base by rigging several Terminator nuclear power cells to an explosive, detonating them as he, Marcus, Kyle, and Star are airlifted out. Kate attempts to save John's life, but his heart is too damaged. Marcus offers his heart for transplant, sacrificing himself to save John. Recovering, John radios to the other Resistance fighters that though this battle has been won, the war is far from over.


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